I Want it ALL!
Good Morning, Online Family!
Hopefully your week is going great so far! We had such an amazing worship service on Sunday and an awesome time on our prayer line yesterday morning! God is doing such awesome things for His people! Don’t forget that we meet on the line every Tuesday morning at 6:00am Eastern. The number to dial is (712) 775-7031, and the access code is 448421#. Be sure to join us next week if you can!
On Sunday, I preached a message entitled “I Want it All”. The message came from Mark 4:1-20, better known as The Parable of the Sower. The parable teaches about a sower who went through the field sowing seeds. Some of the seeds fell by the wayside, and the birds devoured them. Some of the seeds fell on rocky ground, and they sprang up too fast because there wasn’t enough earth to support and nourish them. When the sun came up, those plants were scorched, and they withered away. This why it is important to be rooted and grounded in God so that when things are planted within us, they are able to take root and give us more than a temporary fix. Some of the seeds fell among thorns, and the thorns choked them up. But then, some of the seeds fell on good ground. Those seeds not only sprang up, but they increased and brought forth more than what was planted. Some increased by thirty, some sixty, some one hundredfold.
When it is harvest time in our lives, we will often settle for less. We will often limit ourselves to what we think we should have, not understanding that we can have it all. When we go out to eat and we order a meal, we expect a full meal. We wouldn’t dare settle for half of a meal. We wouldn’t settle for three-quarters of a meal. The same should be true of God. In everything concerning God, we should want it all. We should want all of what God has for us, and we should want to give all that God requires of us. We shouldn’t settle for a half of a harvest, and we shouldn’t expect God to settle for a half of a commitment to Him. It works both ways! Do you want a piece of a relationship with God, or do you want it all? Ponder that this week. Are you in position to receive all that God has for you? Are you in position to give God all that He requires? Think about it.
If you missed Sunday’s service, you may watch the video or listen to the audio here:
I pray that you will be tremendously blessed by the word of God!
The week in Bible Study, we are continuing our discussion on Attitudes. I would absolutely LOVE to see you there! We meet on Wednesdays at 7:00pm in the main sanctuary. Join us!
Have a wonderful week!
– Pastor Audrey