Keep Your Eyes on His Love
Good Afternoon, Online Family!
I pray that you all are doing well! It has been a while since I reached out to you, but please know that you are always on my heart and in my prayers! I wanted to take a moment and speak to you about storms.
As you know, we have been made aware of the devastation from Hurricane Harvey, and we are anticipating the arrival of a few hurricanes over the next seven days. Knowing that there is impending danger often invokes feelings of fear and anxiety. Seeing how Harvey damaged Texas and knowing that “there’s a storm out on the ocean and it’s moving this old way” can be quite unsettling. However, I encourage you today to keep your eyes on His love.
The storms we are seeing today are no different from the storms of life. Oftentimes, our lives will be hit with storms. Loved ones are lost, financial situations change, marriages hit hard times, jobs end, sickness hits our bodies – so many things happen when the storms of life come our way. We are often tempted to doubt God’s power. We look at the things that are happening in our lives and we wonder how God could allow those things to happen. How could a loving God allow these things to be?
Although this is a very legitimate question, what makes my heart rejoice is that there is a very good answer to this question. God told me this a long time ago, and I am going to tell you right in the midst of your storm: “What I do (and allow) is never to hurt you. It is only to help you.” God only does things to help us. It may not seem like it at the moment, when we are going through our pain and our storms, but if we would just keep our eyes on His love, we would see the hand of God truly helping us in and through every situation.
This is my admonition for you today. Keep your eyes on His love. At the center of every storm is a time of calm that is called “the eye of the storm”. It is the time when people who are in the midst of the storm regain their strength and peace so that they can brace themselves for the rest of the storm. In the eye of every storm is God’s love. Not only that, but His love is in every wind and wave as well. Keep your eyes on His love, and the storms of life will not ever have the power to overtake you.
Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend! You will come through every storm with no lack and no loss. I decree and declare that in Jesus’ name! Amen!
In His Amazing Love,
Pastor Audrey McCarter-Hedgepeth
September 7, 2017 @ 2:29 pm
Awesome word for our encouragement. Just like God, right on time.
September 19, 2017 @ 10:54 pm
God bless you! – #TeamGreater